Calf rearing hints

Key advice to maximize your herd
@CalfChat by Bonanza Calf Nutrition

@CalfChat by Bonanza Calf Nutrition

@CalfChat is an initiative by Bonanza Calf Nutrition whereby farmers can discuss their calf rearing experiences. It is aimed to provide an unbiased platform for farmers to be able to freely share their experiences and ask questions they may not ask otherwise.

Calf Nutrition New Zealand

Calf Nutrition New Zealand

During their recent visit to New Zealand Bonanza’s Christine Cummins and Amanda Dunn met with and visited several different people and facilities from research and farm advisors to key dairy and beef calf rearing units.

Grass – Frequently Asked Questions

Grass – Frequently Asked Questions

After dosing calves how long would you recommend leaving them in the original paddock? Is strip grazing a good practice with calves or is it unnecessary? Is 12- 14% CP meal enough for calves at grass? Explore answers to some of the most common questions.

Purchasing calves – Frequently Asked Questions

Purchasing calves – Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ideal age to purchase calves? What should volume of milk/milk replacer should calves be feed in the days after purchasing? Is it important to thoroughly understand the calves start in life to make an appropriate decision? Explore answers to some of the most common questions.

Weaning – Frequently Asked Questions

Weaning – Frequently Asked Questions

Assuming calf hits appropriate weights, what’s the difference you get weaning at 6 weeks or 8 weeks? What is the ideal weight for weaning calves? What do you mean by ‘sufficiently developed rumen’? Explore answers to some of the most common questions.

Calving time

Calving time

Although it may not seem so, the perinatal period is the most risky period in the life of a calf. Getting a live calf on the ground is crucial in all our books, however ensuring the calf doesn’t contract disease when it gets there is another imperative battle to be fought.

Are your calves getting enough colostrum?

Are your calves getting enough colostrum?

Colostrum management for newborn calves remains a problem on many farms. The modern dairy cow doesn’t share the same level of maternal instinct as her predecessor. She may produce a greater volume of colostrum but it is more dilute.