Transformula – the only transition milk replacer for baby calves


TRANSFORMULA: 100% Milk Protein

STANDARD CALF MILK: 40% Milk Protein




Transition milk is the milk cows produce after colostrum and before they produce what we consider milk. It is higher in most nutrients and antibodies and is highly beneficial to feed to calves. However, the effect of a high total bacterial count in transition milk and the risk of spreading disease offset these benefits. Using Transformula is the perfect solution and gives baby calves what baby calves need.

Transformula, a skim and whey milk replacer using milk protein with added immune-stimulants and probiotics for feeding calves in the first days of life.

  • Over 200g of low heat skim milk, buttermilk and concentrated whey protein in every 300g of feed.
  • Allows farmers to reduce medicine usage with young calves. Transformula contains 10 times the level of anti- scour agents found in standard calf milk.
  • Saves ½- ¾ hour work every day.
  • Contains Krypto-nite – a plant extract to ensure the small intestine is a hostile environment for pathogens.
  • Contains buttermilk which reduces stomach upsets and feed refusals as it acts as an emulsifier enhancing fat breakdown and it contains a lactic acid flavour. Additionally, it can reduce rotavirus infectivity.
  • It contains a blend of oils which increases digestibility of fat for the calf; it is important to have a good mix of short, medium and long chained fatty acids. Additionally, it contains a blend of Omega 6:3 oils that increase the calf’s ability to combat pneumonia.

Mixing rate

Add 1 L jug of powder to 3 ½ L jugs of water (this will make enough milk replacer to feed 2 calves per feed) or 140g of powder made up to 1L of mixed Transformula.

Feeding rate

Day 1 Colostrum up to 10% of calf’s body weight or 4L in first 2 hours of life
Day 2+ 280g in 1 ¾ L of warm water twice a day
  • Feeding recommendations based on 42kg Holstein Friesian calf. Adjust accordingly for small calves, twins and other breeds.
  • If disease challenges are high, feed for up to 21 days and then change to milk replacer

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Bonanza Calf Nutrition

Producers of the renowned Shine range of milk replacers for calves and lambs.

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© 2017 Bonanza Calf Nutrition Ltd.