Guide to
Milk feeding lambs

What is the best milk feeding option for your system?

Of course every flock will differ and this will depend on the flock size, amount of labour available, cost, own preference, and how you want the lambs to perform. There are several different feeding methods available; Shine Ewe-reka is available in both instant (blue bag) and free-flow (pink bag) versions and suitable for all types of feeding systems.

What are the advantages of bottle feeding?

  • It is inexpensive
  • Easy to clean

What are the disadvantages of bottle feeding?

  • Only suitable for small numbers of lambs
  • This is the most labour intensive system and care must be taken not to overfeed as this can lead to bloat.

Can I feed lambs Ad-lib Milk?

Cold Ad-lib feeding is a popular and easy to operate system. Using a bucket and preferably two teat lines, lambs are able to drink milk ad-lib in small quantities throughout the day. Lambs can achieve live weight gains of 300g per day on this system and can be finished at 100 days on ad-lib concentrates.

What is the mixing rate?

Mix 250 g powder with 1L warm water

Can I feed Shine Ewe-reka through an automatic feeder?

In larger flocks where there are no shortage of orphan lambs the automatic feeders are commonly used to feed the lambs. Again Shine Ewe-reka lamb milk is ideally suited to this method of feeding and lambs can achieve high levels of performance.

When should I wean lambs?

Ideally lambs should be eating at least 200g of high CP concentrate before weaning. This is important so that there s no risk of a growth check once taken off milk. In addition to dry feed intake, lambs fed ad lib should be at least 35 days and 15 kg and thriving.

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Bonanza Calf Nutrition

Producers of the renowned Shine range of milk replacers for calves and lambs.

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